Do you know Your Brain is...

It might sound surprising, but our brains can be more active when we're asleep than when we're awake, especially during a certain phase of sleep called REM (Rapid Eye Movement) sleep.
During REM sleep, our brains are quite lively, almost as active as when we're awake. This is the time when we have vivid dreams. Our brains process information, organize memories, and perform various important functions. So, even though we're not aware of it, our brains are hard at work while we dream.

In contrast, during non-REM sleep, which is the deeper, more restful type of sleep, our brain activity is a bit lower than when we're awake, but it's still doing important tasks like helping us heal and recover.

So, when people say the brain is more active during sleep, they're usually talking about these bursts of activity during REM sleep, which is crucial for our mental and emotional well-being, even though we're not consciously experiencing it.

Hope you got value?


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